Docker Multi-Arch Images, manifests & mquery

Putting aside the oft-quoted figures about growth, and number of images downloaded, 2017 was quite a year for Docker.  It culminated in the DockerCon Europe announcement in Copenhagen that the platform would natively support Kubernetes, and we are now starting to see the fruits of this shift in the Docker…

Controlling Blinkt! using Golang

In the previous article we looked at how I had become involved in an open source community project which centred around making available a Golang equivalent of Pimoroni's Python library.  In this post I wanted to demonstrate use of the Golang library by porting one of the Pimoroni examples. Solid…

In a Blinkt!, Golang on a Raspberry Pi

The Blinkt! by Pimoroni is a relatively inexpensive 8 LED display which gently introduces GPIO programming concepts.  Pimoroni provide their own library and examples based on Python.  There are various library ports available on github and this article will focus on the Golang library created by Alex Ellis. As Alex's…

Remote Editing using VSCode

Working, as I frequently do, on small projects on headless Raspberry Pis it can sometimes be a challenge to establish an efficient flow while developing. On one hand you could work locally in your favoured editor and benefit from the increased efficiency this provides, but this is soon offset with…